Instructor Class Listing

Erin O'Connor (
805-922-6966 x3496 (class schedule &
office hours, semester calendar &
Physics, Astronomy, and Integrated Physical Sciences Instructor
Course descriptions and meeting times:
(Click here for Syllabus
Viewing Instructions on how to access the Computerized Homework System)
- Physics 100/110
Introductory Survey Course in General Physics
Physics 141
(Syllabus, Lab)
Alg/Trig-based Mechanics
Alg/Trig-based Electricity & Magnetism with Modern Physics
- Physics 161 (MTWF 12:00 - 1:00 pm, Lab Th 8-12,
1-5, Syllabus, Lab)
Calculus-based Mechanics and Dynamics
Click here to link to web videos of the
Elegant Universe!
Click here for Syllabus
Viewing Instructions on how to access the Computerized
Homework System
You will need to get a UT EID, then log in to access your homework. The
class ID is 05161!
- Physics 162
Calculus-based Thermo and Modern Physics
- Physics 163 (Syllabus, Lab)
Calculus-based Electricity and Magnetism
- Physical Science Integrated Field Study Courses (with telescope
observations in the field)
(For more information, pictures, and student accounts, return to
- Phys Sci 159 Eastern Sierra Nevada (2 units, 5 days, every
fall semester in mid-October)
- Phys Sci 159 Death Valley (2 units, 5 days, every spring
semester in mid-April)
- Phys Sci 159 - Colorado Plateau (5 units, 2 weeks, every
other year the first two weeks of June)
Computerized Web-Based "Homework Service System"
for Phys 140 & 160 series:
Blackboard System:
Physical Science & Engineering Club:
Central Coast Classroom-Community Network: