Use either Internet Explorer or Netscape to browse the web (AOL not recommended). Access is provided at the AHC library, the Lompoc center, and most city libraries, Internet café's, and your friend's houses.

Enter the following URL in the ADDRESS section: "www.fieldstudy.com" (without the quotes).  Click on the following hypertext: "CLASS LISTINGS, COURSE DESCRIPTIONS, and GRADES".

Click where it says "Physics Courses".

Scroll down until you see your class title (Physics 141, Physics 161, etc), and click to the right where it says "Syllabus".  This will take you to the class syllabus.

Scroll down to the bottom of the syllabus and click on "Chapter Outline" to view the assigned reading material, and "Class Calendar & Finals Schedule" to view important dates related to the course.  Click on the "Textbook Companion Website" links to access a wealth of material provided by the publisher to complement your text. You may receive other assignments related to this web link.

Near the very bottom of the syllabus, you will see a link to help prepare you for the Syllabus Quiz to be taken in class. Click on this and try to answer the questions given. You will have a chance to ask questions in class before the quiz.

Next you will need to register yourself into the Computerized Homework System.  Near the bottom of the syllabus, click on "INSTRUCTIONS FOR UNIV of TEXAS WEB-BASED HW SYSTEM".  Click near the top to get a UT EID.  This is a student ID number which will allow you to access the system.  Follow the instructions under "Getting Started".  Part (a) has you register yourself in the class roster.  Part (b) has you download your first assignment and submit a few answers.  Parts I through VII provide useful information, and Parts V, VIII, and IX do not apply to us.

When adding yourself to the Class Roster" (be sure to note the unique number for your class before proceeding).  Fill out the form shown.  You can select any "Login Name", just don't forget it (pick something easy to remember, like your name).  Leave the access password blank.  Select a "Personal Password" (write it down so you don't forget it).  Type in the unique five digit number given to you in the previous web page (just below the link to this page).  For your "Student ID Number" you can use your social security number or any other nine digit number that you won't forget.  Be sure to input your last name first in the next field, and it is very important that you input a valid email address.  This address will be used to send important class announcements.  Finally, input your current phone number.  Update your email and phone should you move so that we can contact you for important grade related matters.  Follow the instructions to complete your registration in the Computerized Homework System.

Now that you are registered in the system, the easiest way to access the login page is through the www.fieldstudy.com site.  On the page where you clicked "Syllabus", you can instead click on the class title to the very left, and it will take you directly to the Computerized Homework System. You can access class materials and homework from anywhere in the world at any time.  The system will also be used to submit and grade your homework, and again, you can do this anywhere and at any time (before the due date of course).

Once logged on the system, you need to download your first assignment and input your answers.  Click on button 2.1 to pick up your homework.  Select the assignment and follow the directions to download a pdf file.  You should use the school computers the first few times you do this, then you can try it at home provided you have a pdf viewer.  If you don't, you can install one for free.  Follow the instructions given in class (and the link given on the homework system).  To input solutions to homework problems, use button 3.1.  You can input some solutions now, then come back later and input more.  The system remembers where you left off.  You can try multiple times to get the right answer.  Working together is encouraged, but be sure to help explain how the problem is solved, don't just solve each other's problems.  After seven trials, the system will give you the answer to a problem, this is especially helpful for multi part problems where you need "part a" to get "part b".  Also, please note that the system discouraged "random guessing" by awarding negative points for missed multiple choice problems.  I can not change this aspect of the system, so be careful with how you answer questions to maximize your points.  After assignments are past due, you can download solutions to study for tests and quizzes (use button 2.2).  This is one of the most effective ways to prepare your self to do well in this class.

At any time while working on homework, you can see how the rest of the class is doing. Click button 4.3 to view statistical plots on how the class is doing on any past assignments or even for the current assignment. You can also see how the class is doing on each problem assigned. Note that these plots are only updated once per day, so they do not give up to the minute real-time info.

Also, I hope the class will make good use of the class discussion board (buttons 1.1 and 1.2). You may help each other out on homework, set up study groups, etc. Always practice proper netiquette, be polite and respectful with your on-line comments. Inappropriate comments will cause you to be barred from the on-line system and can result in your removal from the class.

Congratulations, you are now a "high tech" computer user.  I will be available after class, and every day during office hours, to assist you with this process. Even if you have no prior computer experience, we will provide computer access and help in browsing the web and completing web-related class assignments. Don't be shy, be sure to ask for help and assistance!