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Lot/Batch Selection Statistics:

Sampling procedures and tables for inspection by attributes can be provided for a given AQL subject to various switching rules. Custom statistical sampling plans can be developed for any application at a given level of confidence.

Statistical Process Control:

STATS Consulting is implementing a radically innovative approach to Statistical Process Control and Gage Capability Analysis. Unlike most SPC consulting firms which merely supply instruction and training, we plan to provide a complete integrated computerized Test Management System. We feel that SPC procedures can and should be automated by decision making software, thus eliminating the need for lengthy, costly operator training and removing the potential for human error.

Computerized Test Management System:

We propose to implement a computer operated test management system. The test management system will review SPC control charts and assess for stability and control and perform trend analysis. The decision making software will perform hypothesis tests based on a data base which the software itself will compile and maintain. No user input is needed. The software will assess stability and control independently of specification requirements. Once stable and within a state of statistical control, the production process may be addressed for capability and yield optimization.

More Powerful UMVUE Statistics:

We use the most statistically powerful UMVUE (Uniformly Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimators). The less powerful Range Statistic is used in conventional SPC charting only to simplify the procedure for the operator. Since all calculations are performed by the computer, we utilize the most powerful statistical algorithms available and are not subject to calculation errors.

Innovative & Practical Gage Capability Analysis:

Our Gage Capability acceptance / rejection criteria algorithms are the most innovative and sophisticated on the market. We assess Gage Capability not only with the traditional P/T ratio, but also with population sigma analysis and hypothesis testing. Gage acceptance and rejection is based on tester measurement resolution, not to product distribution. The decision making software compiles distribution information directly from the product being measured. This eliminates problems resulting from one sided, unrealistic, incorrect, or extremely tight specification limits.

Multivariate analysis:

Many testers are multivariate, they test many parameters simultaneously. Multivariate Control Charting and Gage Studies result in n-dimensional ellipsoidal confidence regions. Such analyses are extremely difficult to perform manually and subject to input error. These multivariate procedures are simple and robust for automated computer systems.

Networking and Data Linking:

We can also network your computer based testers to the Test Management System for automatic downloading. This allows for instantaneously updated tester and process monitoring, permitting use of all available data for maximized inferential validity.

Other Services:

STATS Consulting also supplies all of the regular SPC and Quality consulting services, including on site training with our own STATS Data Reduction Software, Multi-lingual training, Custom Software development, and Custom Statistical consulting for those unique statistical problems which require derivation of new equations, algorithms, and procedures.

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For your free initial consultation please e-mail a brief description of your statistical needs to erin@fieldstudy.com

Erin O'Connor
STATS Consulting