SPC Software can and should be automated by decision making software, thus eliminating
the need for lengthy operator training and removing the potential for costly errors.
QuikStat custom software gives you the tools you need for instant process and gage
analysis directly at your fingertips. Operators need only input raw data in industry
standard Excel format. The Software automatically analyzes and checks for out of control
conditions, alerts the operator of any problems, appends the data and results to an
internal database, and gives the green light for production to continue. You have the
option to use the Range, the STD, or the most statistically powerful UMVUE (Uniformly
Minimum Variance Unbiased Estimators) in the calculation of control limits
Our Gage Capability acceptance / rejection criteria algorithms are the most innovative
and sophisticated on the market. We assess Gage Capability not only with the traditional
Precision to Tolerance (P/T) ratio, but also with population sigma analysis and hypothesis
testing. Gage acceptance and rejection is based on tester measurement resolution, not to
product distribution. The decision making software compiles distribution information
directly from the product being measured. This eliminates problems resulting from one
sided, unrealistic, incorrect, or extremely tight specification limits.
Accurate computer modeling of filter transmissions and CCD responses in your optical
system can allow you to predict the effects of selecting different optical components,
different CCD's, and different filters -- without having to purchase or bench test these
Custom software development contracts are complicated and lengthy. STATS Consulting
aids customers in writing the contracts they need to develop software by third parity
software developers so that our customers intellectual property rights and distribution
rights are protected. Software requirements, system requirements, milestones, and
schedules are utilized to clarify definitively what is expected of the software developer.
Statistical software to accompany texts in Industrial Statistical Process Control,
Tester/Gage Analysis, and Batch/Lot Sampling Theory, may be developed subject to the
authors specifications. Also available are basic software packages to illustrate
applications in Univariate Statistics, Multivariate Statistics, Inferential Statistics,
ANOVA, DE's, etc., subject to the authors specifications. In this way the author of a
statistical text can have an accompanying software package custom designed to match the
methods and techniques illustrated in the text. Such software accompanied texts are an
invaluable resource to students and colleague alike and enhance the purpose, function, and
marketability of the text.