Standard Red, Green, and Blue filters when used with silicon detectors produce a net
response that is significantly different than the original red, green and blue filters
themselves or the net response of these filters in combination with standard photographic
films. This is due to the silicon detectors disproportionately high response in the
red and infrared as compared to the response of photographic film. To produce a given
desired response (such as standard Kodak Wratten Red, Green, and Blue) a filter with
transmission characteristics should be chosen so that when it is combined with the
detectors response and any other fixed optical elements in the optical pathway, the
system will produce the desired response. STATS Consulting can help you design such
filters matched to any desired Red, Green, or Blue.
Photopic tri-stimulus x, y, and z system response can be achieved by carefully designed
filter packs comprised of properly chosen glass types, thickness, and coatings. Such
filters for scientific imaging must reproduce the desired response to within a few percent
at all wavelengths across the entire silicon chip sensitivity range (300 - 1200 nm, at 5
or 10 nm intervals). Sophisticated computer modeling combined with high speed software
optimization allow STATS consulting to definitively select the best filter glass
combinations to produce a laminated filter pack with the desired imaging transmission
Astrophotometric UBVRI system response can be achieved by selection of high
transmission glass types matched to your specific CCD response and taking into account the
absorptive effects of the earths atmosphere.
Accurate computer modeling of filter transmissions and CCD responses in your optical
system can allow you to predict the effects of selecting different optical components,
different CCDs, and different filters -- without having to purchase or bench test
these items.
Filter packs would be composed of thin laminents of Schott, Hoya, and other Glass
types, would be chemically stable, and would be scratch and bubble free to within design
specifications. AR and other coatings optionally available.