Use either Internet Explorer or Netscape to browse the web (AOL not recommended). Access is provided at the AHC library, the Lompoc center, and most city libraries, Internet café's, and your friend's houses.
Enter the following URL in the ADDRESS section: "www.fieldstudy.com" (without the quotes). Click on the following hypertext: "CLASS LISTINGS, COURSE DESCRIPTIONS, and GRADES".
Click where it says "Astronomy Courses".
Scroll down until you see your class title (Astronomy 100, etc), and click on the class title.
Input your USERNAME and PASSWORD. Your USERNAME will be your initials (first name, then last name) with the last five digits of your social security number, all lower case. For example, Joe Shmo with SS# 123-45-6789, would have user name "js56789" (without the quotes). Your "Password" will be the same, unless you already have an account with "Blackboard" through another class, in which case your Password will remain as it was. Don't forget to click the "login" button.
Welcome to "Blackboard"! If nothing appears, click the browser "refresh" button. You should see an "announcements" page for the class. If you get the "directory of courses" page, you should select the class you are in (this class) from the list shown to get to the "Announcements" page where all important announcements and assignments for the course may be found. Be sure to check this page often (at the very least, once a week). Follow the instructions given in the first announcement to familiarize yourself with the Blackboard system and to view the class syllabus.
Scroll down to the bottom of the syllabus and click on "Chapter Outline" to view the assigned reading material, and "Class Calendar & Finals Schedule" to view important dates related to the course. Click on the "Textbook Companion Website" link to access a wealth of material provided by the publisher to complement your text. You may receive other assignments related to this web link.
Near the very bottom of the syllabus, you will see a link to help prepare you for the Syllabus Quiz to be taken in class. Click on this and try to answer the questions given. You will have a chance to ask questions in class before the quiz.
I will be available after class, and every day during office hours, to assist you with this process. Even if you have no prior computer experience, we will provide computer access and help in browsing the web and completing web-related class assignments. Don't be shy, be sure to ask for help and assistance!