Instructor Name: Erin OConnor
Email Address: (please use Pipeline email for school related questions)
Phone: Please contact me by Email
Office Hours: Scheduled 3-5 times a week as posted (may very from week to week)
Preferred method of contact: Email
Some fun facts about me:
- I've taught at SBCC, Allan Hancock College, Ventura College, UCSB, and Cal Poly SLO. Also at SBMS (8-9th grade).
- My background is in physics, astronomy, and statistics. My undergraduate degree is from Harvey Mudd College in Claremont, CA, and my graduate degree is from UC Santa Barbara.
- My undergraduate research was with black holes and I worked on a project called "Peas in Space" that I believe launched on the space shuttle. My graduate work focused mostly on statistics and working with robotic telescopes at UCSB's Experimental Cosmology Lab.
- I worked as an engineer for several years, including a year in Switzerland on a project called "Post Accident Sampling of Dissolved Hydrogen in Nuclear Reactor Coolant Water", and in Santa Barbara as a Test Engineer working with thin film magnetic recording head technology.
- I grew up in a different country and I did not learn English until I moved to Santa Barbara (when I was 8). I attended Cleveland Elementary, SB Junior High, and SB High (proud to be a Don)!
- I have traveled extensively and have lived in several European countries. I played tennis in high school and in college, ran cross country at SBHS, play jazz, played in a rock band in Europe for a year (not that we were any good), and I like to swim, hike, and mountain bike. Sci Fi Films and books are the best (don't get me going)!

Picture of me at Lowell Observatory, Flagstaff, AZ (December 2021)