History of Astronomy:
- Claudius Ptolemy
- Nicolaus Copernicus
- Tycho Brahe
- Johannes Kepler
- Galileo Galilei
- Isaac Newton
- Richard Feynman
- Stephen Hawking
- Ancient Calendar Systems
- Ancient Astronomy
- Eclipses, Celestial Motions
- Scientific Overview of Astrology
- Constellations and Mythology
Planets of our Solar System
- Mercury
- Venus
- Earth, Geology, Meteorology, Ice Ages, Evolution
- Earth’s Moon
- Mars & Mars Mission/Rovers
- Asteroids and Meteoroids
- Jupiter
- Jupiter’s Moons Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto
- Saturn, Saturn’s Rings, Titan
- Uranus, Miranda
- Neptune, Triton
- Pluto, Charon
- Comets, Comet Hunting
- Voyager Space Craft
- Telescopes, Space Telescopes
- Formation of Solar System
- Apollo Missions to the Moon
- Space Shuttle Program & Space Station
- Artificial Satellites
- Other / Future Space Missions
The Sun and other Stars:
- Sun, Sunspots, Solar Wind, Space Weather
- Binary Stars
- Hertzspring-Russel (H-R) Diagram
- Open Galactic Clusters and Stellar Associations
- Globular Clusters
- Planetary Nebula
- Stellar Evolution and Nucleosynthesis
- White Dwarfs
- Neutron Stars and Pulsars
- Black Holes, Supermassive Black Holes, Wormholes
Beyond our Solar Neighborhood
- Galaxies
- Special and/or General Relativity
- Fourth Dimensional Space-Time, Higher Dimensions
- Cosmology, History of the Universe, Fate of the Universe
- Quantum Physics, Quantum Mechanical Tunneling, Uncertainty Principle
- Entropy, The Arrow of Time
- String Theory, 11 Dimensions
- Astrobiology, Origins of Life on Earth
- SETI (Search for Extra Terrestrial Intelligence), Probability of Life in
- Telescopes, Space Telescopes
- Artificial Satellites
- Other / Future Space Missions
- Don't feel limited by the topics given above. Any astronomy,
physics, or science related topic that is pre-approved by the instructor,
will do.